
Filtered by theme “Technology”

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  • abu dhabi business mission

    Smart Cities 2023

    Join RVO on a trade mission that will take place during the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW). The 3-day mission program includes a visit to the World Future Energy Summit…

    • Energy
  • sheleads event 2022

    She Leads in Tech 2022

    SHE LEADS in Tech provides a platform for (future) female founders and leaders in tech. The ones that focus on impact through technology are health tech, climate tech and deep…

    • Technology
  • Large ship on water of the New Waterway and people passing by in the front.

    Symposium 150 Years New Waterway

    How can we shape future growth and development of coastal regions in the light of climate adaptation, energy transition and urbanization? And how can this development contribute to improving the…

    • Maritime
  • Venture Cafe

    Special Event: The Future of Quantum Tech

    A special event aimed at getting you properly introduced to the quantum technology and getting you inspired about the possibilities it offers. During this vibrant event Erasmus Enterprise & Venture…

    • Digital
  • Slush 2022

    Slush 2022

    Slush is bringing the global startup ecosystem under one roof. In cold, dark November, a curated group of speakers from across the globe, showcases, and unique networking opportunities will all…

    • Technology
  • pieter schoen entrepreneurship

    Pieter Schoen: navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship

    Pieter Schoen is a man who knows how to turn an idea into a successful business. After founding a publishing business and two IT companies, he started – and later…

    • Technology
  • Graciella van Vliet Chantal van der Velde co-founders Closure podcast

    Dealing with personal loss is never easy. Closure is there to help.

    Everyone experiences the loss of a loved one at one point in their lives. There is no way around it and it is never easy to deal with. Graciëlla van…

    • Technology
  • nalden up!rotterdam podcast 1

    Nalden: Serial entrepreneur, investor, husband, and father of two

    For many, he is known as a blogger, the founder of WeTransfer, and more recently also of Adelee, a messaging platform for bringing friends and families closer together. For himself,…

    • Technology
  • upstream festival day 3

    Scaling up: what does it take to grow your innovative tech business?

    “Just because we are successful in the Netherlands doesn’t mean we would be successful in other countries. In each place, we need to start a company from scratch and understand…

    • Technology
  • vincent karremans podcast

    Vincent Karremans: Entrepreneur, politician and a man who works hard to make things happen.

    Vincent Karremans is the kind of person who likes to make things happen. If he finds a problem, he will also find a solution, so it shouldn’t come as a…

    • Digital
  • djordy seelman ceo housing anywhere podcast

    Djordy Seelmann, CEO of Housing Anywhere: ‘You need great people to run a great company’

    Djordy Seelmann is a guy driven by purpose. He is a tech entrepreneur, he is passionate about real estate and building impactful ventures, and he has always wanted to run…

    • Technology
  • founder circularise

    Circularise: Leveraging blockchain to power the circular economy

    There is a lot of talk about the need to transition to a circular economy. Companies – big and small alike – embrace the challenge with enthusiasm, drive and innovative…

    • Circular